Peter Rashkin
Journal and Works
Recent Photo Albums:

Todos Somos Marcos
Let us be humble and generous like the Zapatistas. Someone was telling me that Marcos was just a caudillo, and I said “Who is Marcos? We are all Marcos.” And what the government says could be true or could not be true. What I mean to say is that when the government tried to demystify Marcos and say that he was Rafael Guillan, all the people of Mexico covered their faces with ski masks and bandannas and said, “We are all Marcos.”
– Rosario Ibarra
Public access TV show from the late 90s. I’m in the process of digitalizing the shows and making them available online
Estampas de la Revolutión Española
The Offices of Propaganda of the NATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF WORKERS and the ANARCHIST FEDERATION IBERIAN, in their fervent desire to show the world the epic moments of their REVOLUTION, have undertaken the publication of these scenes from the Spanish Revolution, a happening which has opened the doorway to a future of a greatness both spiritual and material.
Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA
Latin American and Latino Art in LA
September 2017 – January 2018
A collaborative enterprise by museums and galleries throughout Southern California
Eight Albums Covering 30+ Exhibits
Brilliant recap to PST LA/LA, tying together a number of exhibitions
LACMA tour led by Vincent Price Art Museum director Pete Galindo featuring murals by Willie Herron and discussion with the artist and a visit to Ramona Gardens to see and discuss murals by Herron, Judith Hernandez, the East Los Streetscrapers and more. Great murals; great discussion led by Pete. Read post.
Excellent conversation with Skirball curator Yael Lipschutz. Presented in association with the upcoming exhibition Ai Weiwei: Trace.
- Ai Weiwei: Zodiac at the Jeffrey Deitch Los Angeles gallery September 29, 2018–January 5, 2019