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December 2020
Exploring local neighborhoods. Banning Park Historic Zone, with peacocks. A delightful hidden neighborhood south of Wardlow. Christmas Day walk through deserted Watson Industrial Center. Neighborhood Christmas lights. Neighborhood of spectacular houses west of Long Beach Blvd. My garden.
Banning Park Historical Overlay
“The architectural cohesiveness of this neighborhood can be attributed to locally prominent architect Sid Spearin, who called the development the “Original Court of Nation” and based his residential designs on Period Revival styles including Spanish, Dutch, American Colonial and Tudor Revival.”
South of Wardlow
I wandered into this pleasant neighborhood south of Wardlow and isolated on three sides: On the east, a railroad right of way; on the south, an electric substationand yard; and on the west , a pleasnt wall totally blocking off what seems to be a huge shipping container parking lot, visible only on Google maps.
Watson Industrial Park
With Stubby and Emma. Totally deserted on Christmas Day.
Christmas lights in the ‘hood
West of Long Beach Blvd.
I'm thinking of a poem
Ars Poetica
A poem should be palpable and mute
As a globed fruit,
As old medallions to the thumb,
Silent as the sleeve-worn stone
Of casement ledges where the moss has grown—
A poem should be wordless
As the flight of birds.
A poem should be motionless in time
As the moon climbs,
Leaving, as the moon releases
Twig by twig the night-entangled trees,
Leaving, as the moon behind the winter leaves,
Memory by memory the mind—
A poem should be motionless in time
As the moon climbs.
A poem should be equal to:
Not true.