January 2016 – O Stream of Life
Hollywood with Robb, Nancy and Larry; Bronson Caves. USC with Ben; statue of George Tirebiter; “O stream of life, run you slow or fast, all stream reach the sea at last.” No on Recall/Yes on Recall – nearly identical Carson political signs, side by side. Dinner in Glendale with Sammy and Marie, Sara and Graeme, Jean and Camille.
San Pedro cactus in bloom. Echinopsis pachanoi is a very fast-growing cactus native to the Andes. It’s one of the few cacti in my garden that didn’t come from Sammy. not sure who gave it to me. It grows fast and tall (up to 40′ according to Wikipedia). In a big wind, a bunch break off. I lean them against a wall or tree, planning to plant the pieces, but I usually don’t get around to it and they grow where they are.
So we had this old car sitting on the side of the house for years, and we gave it to KPCC. They picked it up Friday. Cleaning the area, I looked up. Two huge blooms. The next day they were fading. The day after that a huge wind broke the stalk that had bloomed.