Moving stuff around

Moving stuff around

To get away from the computer for a few minutes, I wander outside. Looking at the new planter I set up yesterday, I notice that the potted plant perched on a turned-up log that’s next to it is blah. I need a better pot for that space. What IS that plant....
Planting lettuce

Planting lettuce

Planted lettuce (seed strips – very nice) and two different small potted hot peppers in a large pot of sifted compost mixed with sand, Only the top few inches sifted. Planted a strip of snow peas and lettuce. Planted marigolds in a large pot that already has a...
Gang of 4

Gang of 4

A fat old raccoon has been coming around to eat the cat food. The last couple of nights, there have been four. I assume it’s mamma and her three little ones.

Showy Flowers

Showy Flowers

Every day, new flowers. Sometimes spectacular, I  love the Epiphyllum, which are cacti although you might not think so. Big showy flowers, white or yellow or orange or red, that explode suddenly and die off quickly. Very Shelly-esque. PausePlayPlayPrev|Next I. The...

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